This little blue character labelled the moonlight 'threat' popped up all over Boston and was mistaken as a explosive devices:

Although they were forced to pay for the scare, it was comprable to the cost of a superbowl commercial, but yet the media is still talking about the 'scare.' Not to mention the costs of these Mooinites on ebay have upped from $250 to $4,000 after the incident.
So was it worth it?? I think so...
Most of the audience that watches the show would find this scare rather humorous and only add to the humorous nature of the show. I would understand if it pushed away viewers if it was lets say, spongebob square pants. But it seems to me that the only angry people would be the ones who dont watch the show to begin with, like the Boston authorities. If anything I would agree with the article ( on where they guess that most people will tune into the show or movie just to see what its all about.
Even my parents have heard about the scare, and never until now have they even heard of aqua teen. On that note... right on to guerilla marketing, i would call this one a success.
5 points for the week - remember you have to post about your topic at least 2 days a week. The post you have is good - just looking for more like it.
might be an interesting article about your topic -
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