The possibilities are endless in second life which is why I think Bloomsberry would have fun in this virtual world. Many other companies have already picked up on this new marketing trend like IBM, Mercedes and the movie makers of 300. I recently visted some islands on Second Life for a class assigment, including Leo Burnett, Kawaii Ku, and Paper Couture. Although all very different, they are all neat to walk around in and it truly is possible to create islands to meet any product or consumer need.
The Leo Burnett Island was very futuristic and you could walk from tree to tree. I somehow along the way aquired a giant pencil and apple that I could ride. Although I didnt necessarily understand the island, it was fun to fly around and see all the architecture that went into the island. It was truly a creative way to design the ad agencys island and a neat space to meet in. The Paper Couture Island was what I would have expected from the name, it was just like a cute little city boutique. However, I didnt enjoy the stairs, might be a little easier in real life, but a little unrealistic for second life. One problem with it is it kind of upset me cause I would have liked to actually purchase some of the stuff but didnt know how, or if you even could. Which is something they might want to consider. Lastly was the Kwaii Ku island which was a little too futuristic and anime for my taste, but I did like all the happy colors. Its really hard to dislike any of the islands because their all just so different.
Kwaii Ku

Leo Burnett

Bloomsberry would in my opinion be successful in second life. For example my avatar aquired a martini and walks around holding it, what if the avatars could walk around holding the creatively boxed chocolates? I think it would create quite a buzz in second life. If there was perhaps a bloomsberry island where they had all their chocolate bars on a display of some sort and avatars could pick out and buy chocolate.