Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Living a Second Life

I recently started to explore the new virtual world of second life under the name "Lantern Benelli." I must say I was excited after watching a video on YouTube to hop in and join in the excitement. At first glance, Second Life seems to be a fun little video game that you can walk around and talk to people on, but after watching the video they brought the technology to a whole new level. Colleagues from around the world can actually have meetings and companies can promote brands and talk to the consumers. Which leads me to believe that one day this will be a huge addition into the advertising/marketing world.

However, after I did make my virtual name and enter into the world, it is much harder to use then I had expected. I assume it gets easier after you wonder around for a while. But I think that if professionals expect to get as much as they shared in the video, Second Life has to be a little more user friendly. When entering into second life it says how many people are signed up for it and how many are actually active users. Which is much less then half. I will continue to go on and figure things out since this eventually will be a big part of marketing. As for others I think they will go on, get confused, and simply leave it to others.

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