Monday, March 19, 2007

Who's on top

Along with my previous post on search marketing, I reviewed the AdAge FactPack for 2006 on Interactive and Marketing Media. It was broken down into different market categories (ie. search, mobile, email, classifieds, online display advertisements, etc.). And I wasn't surprise to find that it's contents were packed full of big company names. To see who was on top of each of the market segments was not of much surprise, names like Yahoo, eBay, Expedia, and ESPN.

This packet would be of great use when needing specific information because it breaks down the numbers in market shares, as well future sales projections. It also shares the media most spent time on when on the internet, and surprisingly to me the winner was portals, email came in second and entertainment and games were 6 and 7th.

The information was interesting because it kinda of broke my expectations of what people were doing on the internet. And it also provided good insight into different marketing efforts, and who was on top of the competition.

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